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Trash Walk

Ya Fav Trashman will be walking 5 km in the Kensington area of Philadelphia and picking litter up at the same time. The goal of the walk is not only to get litter off the ground, but also raise awareness around environmental justice in Philadelphia, especially Black and Brown communities! We will try to collect as many bags of trash as we can in one day. Everyone will receive tools, a t-shirt, gloves, and information. A DJ will be on-site as well as a videographer. Refreshments will be provided. Partners include the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society and Garbo Grabber.

Registration for the Earth Day Trash Walk is open now! Register here today

Registration fee is $25. You will receive T-shirt, swag bag and refreshments! We will also be giving out 150 hot meals to the homeless thanks to @doubletrellisphl 🥳🥳 Our goal is for 1500 people to participate in this walk. Ya Fav Trashman also has some surprises that will be revealed that day. Mark your calendars now, you don’t wanna miss this event!

April 22

Philadelphia Office of Sustainability Earth Day

April 23

Environmental Justice Day Caravan & March