Mayor Kirkland wants Chester City to remain the nation’s garbage burning capital. Trash from Delaware County, Philly, NYC, New Jersey, Ocean City, MD, and beyond is sent to be burned at the Covanta incinerator in Chester, the largest in the nation and the biggest air polluter in our city. Incinerator pollution contributes to asthma, cancer, strokes, and other health issues. Delaware County decides this year whether to keep burning the county’s trash in Chester.
Join CRCQL (“circle”) as we form a march / car caravan with live art, performances and music. RSVP to
Hosted by Chester Residents Concerned for Quality Living (CRCQL)
Rain or shine! Meet at 12:30 pm, march begins at 1.
Chester City Hall
1 East 4th St, Chester, PA
Marching to Covanta
Bring noise makers, drums, and cowbells! Make a sign! Sign the petition and BAN THE BURN! This is a socially-0distance event. Please bring your own water/snacks.
Get involved and learn more: // 484-206-5180