Join Philly Thrive for Healing the Land and Repairing Harm: A Summit on Philly’s Refinery Redevelopment, an engaging, joyful learning experience & dialogue about how the former PES oil refinery land should be put to new use.
The summit will unite diverse stakeholders -- bringing together residents, elected officials, environmental regulators, city planners, professors, local business owners, and more -- around the largest redevelopment in Philly's history.
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A final schedule will be shared closer to 4/15, but tentative workshops and sessions include:
A Candidate Forum for Philadelphia’s May city council and mayoral primary election
Interactive sessions designed for all types of learners – including a performance of a theater piece developed and produced by local youth, and a neighborhood walk focused on reinvestment
A community lunch with live music where residents can connect with each other, and with our elected officials, local journalists, community organizations, representatives from city and state environmental agencies, and more.
A session for residents to hone the Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) terms that meet the most pressing issues facing nearby neighborhoods.
Creative activities for kids, and childcare for our youngest community members
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To keep our community safe -- especially our disabled family and our elders -- all summit attendees will be required to wear a mask. We will have masks/hand sanitizer available for people who need them.